How To Heal Your Physical Body - 2 Questions You Can Ask To Begin Healing Today!

beginner body easy meditation energy healing journalling meditation meditation practise physical body self love simple tips Apr 23, 2024

As a busy Mum, it can feel impossible to put your own needs first.

It really upsets me, that most mums don't put there own physical needs first. I understand, I'm a Mum. And it can be tricky if your kids are sick, if you have a baby who wakes up 5 times in the night, or you are just run off your feet doing all the things.

The issue is, your body will start to suffer. It will begin to subtly, but the distress signal will get louder and louder until BOOM! Flu, stomach bug, stuffed knee, or worse.

We need to learn to respect, listen to, trust and follow our bodies cues. There are simple questions we can use to help us heal, if our body starts sending out a warning.

After you have taken a moment to get comfortable, taken some breaths and are feeling relaxed you can ask yourself these simple questions.

1. Where is your body feeling pain and discomfort? Bring your awareness to this space.

2. Gather love and gratitude in your heart, and send it into the area that is lighting up for you.

3. Ask the area if there are any emotions or stories here that need to be released. If so allow your inner guide to show you how.

4. Ask what you can do/what action can you take starting now, to help your body begin to heal

5. Give love and gratitude for the communication you have received.

6. Journal if you wish.

Using these questions as soon as you begin to feel discomfort, will help you to move dis-ease through your body.

Have a go! 

Thanks for being here, and I wish you good health!

Chat again soon.

Hayley X