Hassle Free Mum


Now let me tell ya a secret........Hassle Free Mum is not about perfection, it is not about getting it all right all the time. It is about learning and having access to tools, that will help navigate you through times of stress, anxiety and overwhelm. It is about you becoming in tune with your intuition, inner wisdom and letting go of what is no longer serving you, so that you can be the Woman and Mother you want to be.




Once upon a time I took life as it came, I was happy to make mistakes, took every opportunity that came my way, lived for my passion and followed my joy, NO excuses, NO questions asked, NO matter what.

Then at some point, in what seemed over night, I completely lost sight of who I was. I had lost the connection to myself and my beliefs, completely swept up in "life" No connection, No direction. Living Groundhog day, unfulfilled. Knowing there was something more, but not sure how to find it.

​Sound familiar?

I hit a point where I was tired all the time, exhausted actually. I  was constantly in and out of depression, my negative self talk was at an all time high, I was stressed, over weight and having the occasional panic attack. I couldn't handle anything and all this time living in a haze, I was completely missing out on my existence and my beautiful family.

 ​In July 2014 my husband and I decided we had to do something life changingly drastic, we didn't want to be where we were, unhappy and completely uninspired. So to cut a long story short we sold our house and moved our three beautiful children from the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria to the gorgeous Adelaide Hills.

This was the change I needed to whip my butt into gear. I started meditating again, it was wonderful to get a spiritual connection back. Slowly I started to listen to and follow my heart. This led me back into my "religion", the metaphysical. I was back into Reiki, using my oracle cards and studying holistic counselling, I felt amazing.

It has taken a few years to get into the steady flow of listening, allowing and following my intuition. But in doing so, I have managed to heal the things that were holding me back from being the person I was put here to be. It has pushed me to dig deep and connect to who I really am. Encouraged me to find and believe in myself, and allowed me to whole heartedly and bravely follow my purpose.

I am so honoured and excited that you have made it here, you are here because you are ready. You know and believe that there is so much more within you, that you have more to give, and that you are meant for a life of joy, passion and purpose. X

Are You Ready To Feel Less Stressed And More In Control?

You need my Busy Mums Guide To Meditation!

Full of great tips, and the quick and easy meditations I used to help me reconnect to who I am, even though I had 3 kids!

And it's yours FREE! Click the button and get it delivered now!

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"Hayley’s voice is so calming to listen to. She soothes the soul with her extensive body scan, which allows me to fall into a deep and relaxed state. Her meditations are varied and flow with genuineness. I adore Hayley’s meditations as they help me be the best version of myself."

Chloe M

"Hayley's meditation is a great way to start the week. I leave feeling balanced and mentally ready to tackle motherhood and working full time. I look forward to each session and getting some me time."

Chloe H