3 Quick and Easy Meditations For Mums

anxiety boundaries breathing meditation mum self care stress tips Jan 30, 2024

I know so many busy Mums just like me, who love the idea of meditating. The thought of sitting or lying in peace and quiet for more than two minuets seems like heaven and also, completely impossible!

As a Mum of three, I know how short time is, and in the beginning of my Mumma journey, the thought of meditation got pushed aside because "I didn't have time".  I held the belief before kids that in order to meditate I had to find an hour or so every day to fit it in.

But this is absolutely not true! Meditation does not have to be a one hour event. Meditating for five minutes a day is all you need. Because at the end of the day, the more you practice the quicker it takes to find alignment, and the more you do, the more you manage to "find the time" to stay in meditation longer. You start to crave it, especially once you start to feel and see the benefits of meditation coming into your life.

Apart from time, the other problem many Mums have is that we can't turn our brains off. While trying to focus on peace or breathing, we have thoughts about the shopping list, what's for dinner, the fact you haven't washed your sons footy uniform and so it goes on for ten minutes until we give up.

When I first started Meditating over fifteen years ago this was me. I couldn't even sit for two minutes, it felt like I'd been trying for half an hour (and at this point I had no kids yet!) Now, as I start to come out of a one hour meditation it feels like its only been five minutes. It comes down to practise and consistency. Starting small and seeing what happens from there.

 So, here a 3 quick and easy techniques you can use every day to start getting consistency in your practise.

1. Breathing Techniques

Simple breathing techniques are a great way to get started, they reduce stress, frustration and anxiety quickly and can be done for only a few minutes. A great technique is four count breathing. Sit or lie in a comfortable position and focus on your breath. Feel the rise and fall of your belly. This exercise can be done in the moment if you are feeling frustrated, angry or anxious.

2. Journaling

Journaling is something that people don't really relate with meditation, however sitting and allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow out is a great way to relieve stress and let go of things that hold us back. Grab a pen and paper and sit comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Each time you exhale feel your body and mind relax. When you are ready bring your awareness to how you are feeling, take your pen and paper and write for 5 minutes.

 3. Smile

If you have seen Eat. Pray. Love you may remember Julia Roberts sitting in meditation just smiling. This is a beautiful way to connect to happy, loving energy and it really fills you up fron the inside, you feel the happiness in your Solar Plexus. Try it for five minutes and see what a difference it makes.

As we grow into our practise we mentor to our children on how important a life of love and peace is. We are mentoring great self care, self love and that being happy is something so easily achievable every day. We are allowing them to grow knowing that following their bliss is more than possible, and isn't happiness and abundance all we want for our babies? I think so.

If you have any questions about meditation feel free to reach out. You can contact me here, or follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

Remember to grab your Free Busy Mum's Guide to Meditation before you go. This Guide is full of my best tips and 10 quick and easy meditations you can start using today.

Thanks for reading and happy meditating,

Hayles X