3 Ways To Make Sure Your Christmas Is Not Stressful

anxiety boundaries emotional wellbeing family mental wellbeing mindfullness mindset self care self love tips Dec 19, 2023

I used to worry that I hadn’t bought the same amount of gifts for the kids, that the day would be spent dragging them around, when all they wanted was to stay at home and experience all their new toys, and the whole day would be spent stressed out, frazzled and over it.

But this was BEFORE I learnt what I know now.

And that is that for Christmas to be enjoyable, there are a few things that need to be put in place.

You see, the hype of Christmas comes with quite a lot of expectation, kind of like New Years. And usually because of this it can be a huge disappointment when our version of a “perfect” Christmas day doesn’t come to be.

And when I started living by these Christmas “rules”? Well, this time of year became a fun, exciting, heart warming experience.

So what are these Christmas rules?

  1. Make You and your family The Number 1 Priority

 Get into the mindset that you, your partner and your kids are the most important, number one priority when it comes to having a stress free Christmas. You will never please everyone, and there is nothing worse than having to drag 3 tired, bored kids around all day, kids that just want to go home and play with all their new toys. Figure out where your boundaries lie for the Christmas period. Come to an agreement on the amount of time you want to spend alone playing with your kids enjoying your space, and the time you want to be out. Make it non-negotiable. Even if you feel you will be disappointing people. You can always arrange to see them Christmas Eve or Boxing day, so you spread out your social activities.

        2. Get Organised

 This biggest thing with Chrissie organisation, like at any point in motherhood, is not to over do it! You need to be realistic about the time you have, and the energy everyone in the family has. This isn’t just Christmas day, this is the whole month of December. There are so many school, sports club and community events, that the family can be burnt out even before Christmas Eve arrives. So make sure the planner is used and everyone looks at it to see what’s on the agenda next. Make sure you have lists! So that you know all the gifts, platters and bottles that need to be purchased and for what, the more organised you are, the less stressed out you will be.


         3. Let Go Of Expectation And Enjoy! 

Drop the amazing step by step awesome, minute by minute Christmas you have planned. I know this sounds opposite to the above, but having things organised and being rigid in the way the day pans out are slightly different things. Not everyone is going to be happy and helpful, there will be relatives you don’t want talk to and kids that have tantrums. But at the end of they day, take some deep breaths and be in the moment. Be mindful during conversations, be mindful as you open and give gifts, be mindful as you eat and laugh. Enjoy your day on purpose.

So go out there and have a great Christmas! 

....... oh and have a safe and happy New Year!

Hayley X