How To Show Self Care Without Feeling Selfish! 3 Powerful Affirmations To Change Your Mindset!

affiramtion boundaries easy meditation emotional wellbeing intention mental wellbeing mindset mum self care self love simple tips Nov 27, 2023

As a busy mum, guilt is something that is felt very often, especially when it comes to spending time alone away from your family. We feel awful that we want to spend time in our own space, go out to dinner with the girls, or even have a quiet bath. We are SELFISH!

But what if I told you that guilt, and feeling selfish that you want 5 minutes to regroup, all comes from a core belief, a belief that can be shifted and healed, leaving you knowing that in order for you to show up fully for your family, self-care is vital and non-negotiable.

Impossible!! I hear you shout.

No my friend, it is not. How do I know?

Because this is a major shift that I made on my journey, and it has been instrumental not only in how I show up as a Mum and partner, but also to my mental and emotional wellbeing.

Now, I am not going to go deep into counselling mode today, diving into negative core beliefs and where they may have started. But I will share the 3 powerful affirmations that I started to use in meditation, that began to shift me into a space of self-love.  

I shifted the belief that my needs weren’t as important as the rest of my family, that I wasn’t worth the time or effort, that I was selfish if I didn’t continuously put them first.

Now a days my time alone is non-negotiable, every day I make sure I listen to what my body, emotions and mental well-being need, and it started with this simple affirmation meditation.


  1. Sit comfortably, close your eyes if you wish, you can pop on some nice music
  2. Take some deep breaths.
  3. Repeat these affirmations a few times each, more if you wish. (Until you get bored) either out load or in your head:

I am Important

I am Significant

I Matter

  1. Sit in silence and let the energy of these words fill your body and energy.


The major thing I want to get across to Mums is that you are so vital to your family, so important. If you go down, it will all falls apart. Which is why your self-care matters, your mindset matters, your overall wellbeing matters.

It is time to claim your importance and be unapologetic about it. Take care of your body, mind and emotions. You will be so surprised to find, that as you regularly look after yourself on a daily basis, the way you Mummy will change. You respond, rather than react. Have the ability to hold space for your kids when they are having an emotional moment and have the energy to make it through the whole day.

So, are you ready to shift your mindset, and be unapologetic when it comes to looking after yourself?

Do this meditation every day for 1 week, and let me know how you feel. You can email me here.

If you would like some great tips and mediation ideas, to help you in your new self care routine, you can grab my Busy Mums Guide to Meditation – The Ultimate Beginner Mediation Manual To Help You Feel Less Stressed And More In Control, In Just 5 Minutes.

Also make sure you have joined be on Instagram and Facebook.

Enjoy this meditation, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Hayley X