Embrace 2024 - 7 Self-Care Habits for a Healthier and Happier You

beginner easy meditation journalling mental wellbeing ritual self care self love simple tips Jan 02, 2024

The first thing that I get asked at the beginning of a New Year is "What are your New Years resolutions?"

I hate this question!

I am not a fan of resolutions, I think they are pointless. Day one you get so excited that in some way you are going to change your life, and within a week you're exhausted by it.

Well, you are not alone! Research shows, that 9% of people stick to there resolution, 23% quit by the end of the first week and by the end of January, 43% of people have quit trying. But why?

Most people set New Years Resolutions because it's tradition, they don't really want to quit something, or start something new. Also people go way too huge...... go big or go home! There is no pathway or thought or proccess to get what they want.

If you want lasting change in 2024 in any area of your life, it's all about habits. Your self-care is no different. If your goal for 2024 is looking after you and making yourself a priority (I hope it is), then cementing in self-care habits will get you there. 

Here are 7 great self-care habits that you can get moving on this year, that will help you take care of your mind, body, emotion and spirit. 

1. Journalling allows you to connect into your emotions and get all those thoughts that keep you awake and fuel anxiety out of your head and onto paper. You can also try a gratitude and accomplishment journal every night before you go to sleep. 

2. Meditation everyday has amazing benefits to your entire wellbeing, just 5-10 minuets everyday is all it takes.

3. Getting amongst nature can help ground your energy, connects you to all living things and gets that sun on your face. Even just sitting with a nice cuppa in your garden and taking in the surroundings will help connect you to the earth.

4. Moving your body in some way everyday is great for mental, emotional and physical health. You don't have to do a full on work out or class at the gym. You can walk around the block, do some yoga or use an exercise bike. Listen to your bodies cues.

5. Use oracle cards once a week to connect to your inner knowing and Guides. Grab a deck that you are drawn to, ask questions, follow the advice and see what happens. 

6. Listen to podcasts on topics you are interested in and motivate you to learn, expand and grow in some way.

7. Practise listening to your body. In the morning ask your body what it needs today. What food, movement or even ask what color it wants to wear. Follow your bodies cues, nourish, love and respect your bodies wishes. After all you only have one!

So! Which habits are you going to start with??

If you would like a bit more help you can grab my FREE Busy Mums Guide to Meditation - The Ultimate Beginner Meditation Manual To Help You Feel Less Stressed And More In Control, in only 5 minutes a day! 

It has some great self-care and meditation ideas to get you started. If you have any questions feel free to contact me here.

I hope you have a wonderful 2024! 

See you soon,

Hayley xxx