Bringing Up Mindful Kids? Try These 5 Acitvities For Mini Meditators!

affiramtion beginner breathing childrens meditation easy meditation emotional wellbeing familly circle family family meditation guided meditation meditation movement tips toning Feb 19, 2024

I know quite a few meditating Mums, and one thing they talk about often is how they would love to get their kids into the practice of meditation, mindfulness and spirituality. Kids are so curious and often really want to know about what you're doing, why you have crystals, what those pretty cards are for and what you are doing with that smokey stuff?

Many kids are naturally interested in connecting to their bodies, voices and the earth, almost like it's in thier DNA!!! They love to express creativity, use their imagination and spend fun time with their Mumma! 

I know that as a meditating mum you need your alone time to chill, but the best way to start your kids headed in the same direction is to make it family affair, hold a little mini family meditation circle in your own lounge room, even if it's only once a week. 

There are so, so many activities that you can do with your child to help connect them to their bodies, minds, emotions, spirit and each other.

Here are 5 activities you can do together to get the meditation ball rolling at your place:

1. Coloring - We all know it, it is so peaceful and you become so present, the color and strokes of the pencil are therapeutic and creative allowing emotional, mindful expression. 

2. Movement - Yoga is the most common choice, but you can put on your favourite tunes and just shake it out, or roll around on the floor, stomp your feet to beautiful African drumming or act out animals to a great piece of Aboriginal music. 

3. Affirmation Cards -  You can buy all different types of children's affirmation decks on the internet. Get you child/children to pick out a few cards. Have them lie down and close their eyes. Pop on some peaceful music and either say the affirmations out loud for them to hear, or have them repeat them out loud to you.

4. Toning - Vocal expression is so important for all humans, we don't always get the chance to release the tones of how we feel. Sit together, take a big breath and make some noise. Try using the vowel sounds as a guide and move your voices up and down. Once you feel finished, sit in silence with your eyes closed for a minute or two, (depending on the age and attention span of your kids).

5. Zen Breathing - That's right, pop on my Zen Breathing meditaiton. If you have younger children, get them to choose a meditation buddy in the form of a soft toy. Pop the toy on their belly, and as they breath they can see, or feel it rise and fall.

I would so love to know if you try any of these and if your children enjoyed it. Remember they are kids, so they may not have the attention span straight away, (I know I didn't when I started).

Happy family meditating, and don't forget to email me if you have any questions.

Hayley x