3 Best Beginner Meditation Tools To Boost Your Experience!

crystals easy meditation essential oils oracle cards self care simple tarot tips Oct 30, 2023

In my journey, I have tried everything in my meditations. Incense, sage, candles, altars, different music and sounds. Experimentation is key, the more you try, the more you know what works for you. The three tools I'm sharing today are my absolute favourites. I recommend you give them a try, if they work for you, great keep them around, if not, if you feel they don't resonate, that's ok too!

SO let's dive in and take a look at my 3 favourite meditation tools.

  1. Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are a great way to connect to your support team and get confirmation and guidance. There are so, so many different types of cards. Make sure you go with your intuition. What style, colors, pictures are you drawn to? Collecting a few different decks is a good plan, that way you have different decks and inspiration for different situations. You may have one deck that is better aligned with taking physical action, one that is suited to healing and one that works for more spiritual guidance.

You can use your cards before your meditation to help align you with what needs to be done or healed, (you may even wish to set in on your altar, or meditate with it pressed to your heart space), or use them afterwards for confirmation, or an extra little message.


  1. Essential Oils

I adore my essential oils, they are a great addition to your tool kit. Oils have their own natural vibration and can align you with peace, source, joy, help to heal and release anger, clear negativity and help to restore alignment in your vibrational field. Just make sure that if you want to use oils that they are 100% pure essential oils. If you see the word “fragrance”……run! If you are not using 100% plant oil, you are just putting chemicals into the air or on your skin, and that will do the complete opposite of what you want.

You can use your oils in a diffuser to set the mood. You could use lavender for relaxation, Vetiver for grounding, or Frankincense to help with alignment. You can pick an oil to help find or release a particular emotion and apply it topically. You could even add a drop in water to your altar before you begin.

  1. Crystals

Like plant oils, crystals are a natural earth resource with their own vibration. You can use them on your body, in a necklace or bracelet, make a grid or use them in an altar. It is always best to pick your crystals using intuition rather than looking up their meaning. I always pick first, read later. Your body and vibration will know what it wants, and sometimes the meaning of the crystal is the writers interpretation and belief. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong, we just need to learn to trust ourselves, our vibration and our bodies needs.

Crystals come in all different shapes and sizes, raw, tumbled in spheres and in lamps. So, have a hunt around and remember to pick using your intuition.

I encourage you to have a look around at these tools and try some. Experimenting is the best way to find out what works for you. If you have friends with oracle decks, oils or crystals have a chat to them about it, see if you can borrow an oil, or a deck to play with.

Thanks for reading! You can stay in touch and learn more about using these tools by joining me on Instagram or Facebook.    

If you haven't already you can grab your Busy Mums Guide To Meditation - The Ultimate Beginner Meditation Manual To Help You Feel Less Stressed And More In Control!

Have fun experimenting!

Hayley XX